Uber Articlez: Your Source Of Daily Original Articles

All members get access to our constantly updated database of pre-built original articles & content across 110+ different niches and topics. This database is used by us as part of our ongoing marketing & SEO.

Every day, Premium members earn 5 credits, and Standard members earn 1 credit.

1 credit allows the download of a single unique article from any one of over 110 niche categories. The system will only store 5 days credits max., so you need to visit at least once every 5 days to 'spend' your credits. (This prevents members from stock-piling credits.)

Simply select the article category from the dropdown box below, and then click the button. You will immediately be presented with a full 'ready-to-go' (500-550 words) original article. It will then be deleted from our DataBase.We strongly advise you to 'mix up' the categories you use to prevent your submissions looking 'samey'. Use diverse categories from any subject that you can distantly connect to your topic and keywords. We also use completely unrelated articles for a natural looking mix of submissions.

: Option Available To Members ONLY (Not in Demo)

You can also select whether you want the article content to be supplied Auto-Spintaxed (using our Auto Spintaxer software) - so it's immediately ready for mass-submission, and/or whether it is supplied pre-embedded with Character-Spin Spintax¹ as well. You can use either or both options simultaneously. To ensure it passes Copyscape etc, you would need to use the Character-Spun option, since they usually come out as around 50-75% unique 'as-is'. We also highly recommend using the Auto-Spintaxer to 'mix it up' from the human/readers perspective.

Ensure you copy and paste this somewhere safe, as it will have debited 1 credit from your balance, and you will NOT be able to access that article ever again, (it will have been deleted from our database to ensure each one is only ever used once.)

IMPORTANT NOTE: We cannot guarantee that any of these articles will pass a Copyscape uniqueness test - as they haven't been pre-tested. While these articles are reasonably unique (usually 50-75%+), and of a fairly good readable quality, they're not at a quality or uniqueness level that we recommend be used for your site. These are provided as promotional/article content to be used for marketing purposes, not site-building. Since the content is never going to be completely unique, (as we generate these articles from huge libraries of spun content,) we strongly recommend using the Auto-Spintaxer or Char-Spinning etc. to further mix up the content. A much better idea would be to take these articles and use them as starting points and extra ideas for your own rewrites. Please remember that we provide creditz as a bonus to our members to aid with your marketing efforts; not as prime-quality site-creation content.

IDEA: Why not download a bunch of these on a particular topic (over a period of time if you're a standard member) and then paste them all into our 'Splice & Spin' tool to make a large spintax paragraph-spun construct. You can then auto-spintax it as well, and use it for multiple submissions.